District Administration, Gaibandha, Radhab, Gaibandha and BSTI Divisional Office, Rangpur jointly organized a mobile court in the Super Market area of Sadar Upazila under the leadership of Mr. Shaheen Delwar, Wise Executive Magistrate of the district administration. Golden Pearl, Skin Shine) Section 31 of the BSTI Act for the crime of selling and distributing 1) Dulu & Sons, Park View Super Market, Gaibandha - 30,000 / -, 2) Altab Store, Parkview Super Market - 30,000 / -, 3) Bigbazar, Station Road, Gaibandha - 10,000 / -, 4) Selim Store, Station Road Consumer Act - 5,000 / - including a total of 75,000 / - fined. Approximately 50,000 / - counterfeit cosmetics destroyed . Md. Delwar Hossain, Field Officer (CM), BSTI, Rangpur was the prosecutor in the mobile court. In the public interest, the BSTI Divisional Office in Rangpur will continue this campaign