Today, on 26.01.2022, a mobile court was conducted in Parbatipur Upazila of Dinajpur District on the initiative of Upazila Administration, Parbatipur, Dinajpur and BSTI Divisional Office, Rangpur. In that mobile court-
1) Messrs. Dolan Chira & Muri Mill, Parbatipur, Dinajpur Production Mudi has no CM License and Wrapping Registration Certificate in "BSTI Act, 2016" and "Weight and Measurement Standards Act, 2016" 15/26 and 24 (1). Section 41 imposes a fine of Rs. 25,000 / - and Rs. 5,000 / - respectively.
2) A fine of Rs.
Also, the measurement of fuel oil supply at Messrs. Burma Filling Station, Parbatipur, Dinajpur was found to be accurate.
The mobile court was conducted by the wise Executive Magistrate Mr. Pritam Saha, Assistant Commissioner (Land), Parbatipur, Dinajpur. Mr. Md. Mesbah-ul-Hasan, Field Officer (CM) and Mr. Mithun Kabiraj, Inspector (Metrology), BSTI Divisional Office, Rangpur acted as Prosecuting Officers.