Today, on 18.04.2022, a mobile court was conducted in different areas of Dinajpur District Sadar on the initiative of District Administration, Dinajpur and BSTI Divisional Office, Rangpur. In that court 1) Messrs. Sonali Traders, Pulhat, Sadar, Dinajpur using defective liter measuring 300 ml per 5 liters. A fine of Rs. 20,000 / - is imposed under section 29/48 of the Weights and Measures Standards Act, 2016 for supplying less fuel oil. 2) Messrs. Tushar Bakery, Pulhat, Sadar, Dinajpur A fine of Rs. 3,000 / - was imposed under Section 53 of the "Consumer Rights Protection Act, 2009" for the production. Ul-Hasan, Field Officer (CM) and Mr. Mithun Kabiraj, Inspector (Metrology), BSTI Divisional Office, Rangpur.